Energy, Economic &
Regulatory Services
We provide consulting services on all aspects of the ratemaking process.
Energy Procurement &
Management Services

We provide energy procurement and management services
in the areas of regulated and competitive supply management.

We are a leading advisor in the ever-changing regulated and competitive energy markets.
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Brubaker & Associates, Inc.

Brubaker & Associates, Inc. (BAI) is a leading advisor in the ever-changing regulated and competitive energy markets. We create value for our clients by developing and helping to implement creative solutions. Because we do not own or market a commodity, and do not have financial arrangements with those who do, we are able to provide objective advice for our clients. Many of our professionals have been in practice for more than 25 years. Our clientele consists of industrial, commercial and institutional users of electricity, natural gas, coal, fuel oil, steam, water and wastewater services. 

Our consulting services fall into two broad categories: 

Energy, Economic, and Regulatory Services:
We provide consulting services on all aspects of the ratemaking process.  This consists of rate case, litigation and legislative support. Our professionals have participated on behalf of clients in thousands of utility regulatory and legal proceedings in the United States and Canada.

Energy Procurement and Management Services:
We provide energy procurement and management services in the areas of regulated and competitive supply management. We have assisted clients in managing energy costs on an ongoing basis, consistent with corporate guidelines.  


How we are different

Over 25 Years of Experience in Energy Consulting.

Brubaker & Associates, Inc. (BAI) is a leading advisor in the ever-changing regulated and competitive energy markets.

The rates that customers pay for electricity are set with multiple considerations in mind. First, in aggregate, the rates set for a utility's customers should allow it an opportunity to earn the overall revenue requirement deemed appropriate by the Commission. They should also recover the amounts assigned to each class in the revenue allocation process. Finally, they should be designed in a way that customers' prices are fair (i.e. not unduly favoring certain customers over others) and efficient (i.e. giving customers proper price signals).

Using electricity rates as an example, efficient rates occur when the charges reflect costs.  The "customer charge" should reflect the fixed costs of serving the customer, such as meter reading, billing and other costs. Similarly, the "demand charge" should reflect the costs that vary based on customers' highest demands on the system (or demands during critical on-peak hours) to cover costs, such as the fixed cost of transmission and generation capacity. Finally, "usage charges" should reflect costs that vary by unit of energy consumed, such as utility generation fuel and the variable cost of purchased energy. Rates designed on this basis are fair, because they reflect cost causation, and are "efficient" because they provide the economic signals that, if followed, will minimize the overall cost of the utility system.

An overarching goal traditionally used by most public service commissions is that rates should reflect continuity (i.e. are similar in structure and magnitude from rate case to rate case) and should avoid rate "shock" (i.e. large increases in charges all at once, rather than moderated or phased-in over time). Rate design, because it is not an exact science, requires the expert opinion of knowledgeable and seasoned experts in the field, in order to develop the best rates possible. Our professionals meet these criteria and often present evidence on rate design matters.

When a utility seeks to change the rates it charges to customers, it must present to the appropriate regulator, detailed justification concerning its need for a change and how the change should be implemented.  Typically, the regulator takes evidence from many interested parties in the forms of facts and figures along with expert opinions.  We provide analysis and expert opinion in rate cases to help ensure that the rate changes that result do not unfairly impact our clients.  Since this is the process where utility rates are set, it is of upmost importance for customers to actively intervene and participate in cases, if they desire to have any input on the rates they will be charged.COS

A utility rate case involves three major areas of analysis.  The first, the Revenue Requirements area is to determine how much overall revenue a utility requires to operate.  The second area, Revenue Allocation, is to determine how much of that revenue should be collected from each customer class.  This usually involves a cost of service study to determine the costs imposed by customer classes.  The third main area, Rate Design,  sets rates to effectively and efficiently collect the revenues assigned each rate class.  We participate in all three areas of the rate case process.

Besides these major areas in rate cases, we also provide expert consultation in the following areas:

  • State/Provincial/ Federal cases
  • Electric/Gas/Water/Wastewater service
  • Intervention and Monitoring for clients
  • Rulemaking/Policy matters
  • Utility Rate Trackers  
    • Fuel and purchased power
    • Environmental adders
    • Renewable Energy charges
    • Infrastructure
    • Others
  • Policy Matters
    • Construction Financing
    • Renewable Energy
    • Energy Efficiency
    • Demand Response
    • Economic Development
    • Resource Planning
  • Transmission Issues
    • Siting
    • Interconnection studies
    • Transmission Planning
    • Load flow and stability studies
    • Other

Unbiased and Objective Energy Advice!