Representative Engagements

**Register Now for Early Bird Discount:  BAI's 33rd Utility Ratemaking Fundamentals Conference**
September 4-5, 2024 -- St. Louis, MO

Registration Information

Representative Engagements

Conduct bill audits and energy cost reduction assessments


Energy Procurement and Management

  • Develop energy purchasing strategies for electricity and natural gas
  • Negotiate procurement contracts for new and existing facilities
  • Prepare and evaluate RFPs for competitive sourcing of energy
  • Conduct bill audits and energy cost reduction assessments
Electricity Markets
  • Facilitate industry restructuring
  • Provide market price forecasts
  • Evaluate/testify on market price issues
  • Present expert testimony in regulatory commission, legislative and judicial settings 
  • Develop energy price studies for negotiation and plant siting decisions

Electric Transmission

  • Design and evaluate open access tariffs for transmission and ancillary services
  • Participate in the formation of ISOs/Regional Transmission Organizations
  • Provide representation at Regional Transmission Organizations
  • Conduct load flow and stability studies
  • Present expert testimony before FERC and state or regional regulatory commissions

Natural Gas

  • Develop hedging strategies
  • Negotiate gas storage terms and charges
  • Provide contract/rate interpretation
  • Present expert testimony before regulatory commissions
  • Negotiate supply contracts
  • Evaluate privately owned companies
  • Present expert testimony before regulatory commissions

Self Generation

  • Evaluate the economics of alternative projects
  • Negotiate contracts with developers and other project participants
  • Negotiate contracts for standby power including rates, terms and conditions




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