Nicholas Phillips, Jr.

Nicholas Phillips, Jr.

Areas of Expertise

Competitive Procurement
Alternative Energy Supply
Contract Development, Evaluation
    and Negotiations
Electric Retail Competition and
    Customer Choice
Market Power Analysis
Price Forecasts
Request for Proposals
Risk Analysis

Cost of Service/Rate Design
Ancillary Service Rates
Cost of Service
Demand-Side Management
Gas Transportation Rates and
Interruptible Rates
Marginal Cost Analysis
Nuclear Decommissioning Costs
Performance Based Rates
Performance Standards for
    Generation Units
Prudence and Used/Useful
Rate Design and Tariff Analysis
Purchase Power Contracts
Real-Time Pricing
Resource Planning
Standby Rates
Steam Cost Analysis
Stranded Costs
Transmission Pricing and Access

Asset Valuation
Fuel Cost Recovery
Merger Evaluations
Revenue Requirement Issues

Special Projects
Economic Dispatch
Legislation and Public Policy
Site Selection and Evaluation

Mr. Phillips is Of Counsel at BAI. He received Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Lawrence Institute of Technology and Master of Business Administration from Wayne State University and has taken graduate level courses in Economics at the College of Liberal Arts of Wayne State University and the University of Missouri.

Prior to entering the consulting field in 1979, Mr. Phillips was Acting Director of Revenue Requirements at The Detroit Edison Company. He was responsible for fuel and purchased power clauses, rate cases, economic studies, cost of service studies, depreciation studies and other related activities. He was the Manager of Rate Cases before the Michigan Public Service Commission and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and has testified on cost of service, rate base, income statement items, unit costs, power plant operations and related subjects.

Since 1979, Mr. Phillips has provided consulting services on virtually all aspects of electric and gas issues. He has provided testimony on a variety of subjects on more than 300 occasions. He has assisted clients in the development and evaluation of complex service options in the changing regulatory environment. Recent engagements have concentrated on electric and gas rate design, fuel cost recovery, merger activity and client cost reduction initiatives.

Project Work

Other Project Work

  • City of New Orleans
  • Lansing Board of Water and Light

Principal Advisor to:

  • Carolina Industrial Group for Fair Utility Rates
  • Indiana Industrial Energy Consumers, Inc.

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