Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith

Areas of Expertise
Cost of Service / Rate Design
Cost of Service Modeling
Production Cost Modeling
Rate Design and Tariff Analysis
Resource Planning
Cost of Capital
Revenue Requirement Issues
Mr. Smith is a Consultant at BAI. He graduated from Southern Illinois University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics.
Mr. Smith joined BAI in May 2018 as an Analyst. He was promoted to Senior Analyst in 2021, and in 2023 he was promoted to Consultant. Since joining BAI, Mr. Smith has performed detailed analyses on a variety of subjects within the scope of electric, natural gas, and water regulatory proceedings. These analyses include cost of service studies, return on equity, rate design, and resource adequacy issues. Mr. Smith has also been engaged in the evaluation of request for proposals responses, the creation of regional electric market price forecast models, and load forecast models for industrial energy users in the electric and natural gas fields.
Project Work