Kathryn Iverson
Kathryn Iverson

Areas of Expertise
Competitive Procurement
Alternative Energy Supply
Market Price Surveys
Price Forecasts
Request for Proposals
Cost of Service/Rate Design
Cost of Service
Demand-Side Management
Marginal Cost Analysis
Performance Based Rates
Purchase Power Contracts
Rate Design and Tariff Analysis
Real-Time Pricing
Resource Planning
Stranded Costs
Unbundled Rates
Asset Valuation
Fuel Cost Recovery
Special Projects
Economic Valuation Models
Ms. Iverson is an Associate at BAI. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Sciences and a Master of Science Degree in Economics from Colorado State University.
Ms. Iverson joined BAI in 1994, and provides energy testimony, analysis and review in eleven states with work in the areas of restructuring, unbundling rates and assessing resource plans. Previously, she was Senior Utility Economist at ERG International Consultants, Inc. of Golden, Colorado where she was responsible for economic analysis of integrated resource planning and demand-side resource evaluation, along with cost allocation and rate design studies. She is located in BAI’s Phoenix, Arizona office.
Project Work