James Selecky

James Selecky

Areas of Expertise

Competitive Procurement
Alternative Energy Supply
Contract Development,
    Evaluation and Negotiations
Electric Retail Competition and
    Customer Choice
Energy Procurement
Price Forecasts
Request for Proposals

Cost of Service/Rate Design
Ancillary Service Rates
Cost of Service
Cost Trackers and Riders
Demand-Side Management
Nuclear Decommissioning Costs
Performance Based Rates
Purchase Power Contracts
Rate Design and Tariff Analysis
Standby Rates
Stranded Costs
Transmission Pricing and Access

Asset Sales
Cost of Capital
Depreciation Studies
Economic Modeling
Financial Integrity
Fuel Cost Recovery
Merger Evaluations
Regulatory Accounting
Revenue Requirement Issues

Special Projects
Energy Assessment Studies
Strategic Energy Management
Training Seminars
Utility Privatization Studies

Mr. Selecky is Of Counsel at BAI. He received Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Oakland University and Master of Business Administration in Finance from Wayne State University.

Mr. Selecky was a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan.

Prior to entering the consulting field in 1984, he was Director of Revenue Requirements at The Detroit Edison Company and was responsible for purchased power and fuel cost filings, economic, depreciation, and cost of service studies and development of rate case revenue requirements.

Since 1984, Mr. Selecky has provided consulting service to clients on almost all aspects of regulated and competitive electricity and natural gas issues. He has testified in nearly all issues related to setting utility rates. He has filed testimony in over 200 proceedings in over 30 jurisdictions.

Recent engagements have concentrated on cost of service, rate design, revenue requirement issues, development of energy strategies, and competitive sourcing of power.

Project Work

Other Project Work

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Saskatchewan

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