James Dauphinais
James Dauphinais

Areas of Expertise
Competitive Procurement
Available Transmission Capability
Contract Development,
Evaluation and Negotiations
Electric Retail Competition and
Customer Choice
Market Power Analysis
Market Price Surveys
Price Forecasts
Procurement and Management
of Energy and Energy-Related
Request for Proposals
Cost of Service/Rate Design
Ancillary Service Rates
Avoided Cost Rates
Cost of Service
Demand-Side Management
Interruptible Rates
Open Access Rates, Terms and
Prudence and Used/Useful
Purchase Power Contracts
Rate Design and Tariff Analysis
Real-Time Pricing
Resource Planning
Standby Rates
Stranded Costs
Transmission Planning and
Transmission Pricing and Access
Fuel Cost Recovery
Fuel Purchasing Strategies
Special Projects
Economic Dispatch
Generation Interconnection
Legislation and Public Policy
Load Flow Studies
Market Structure
Production Cost Studies
Stability Studies
Transmission Line Routing
Training Seminars
Mr. Dauphinais is a Managing Principal at BAI. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Hartford. He has also completed several graduate level courses in Electric Power Engineering through the Engineering Outreach Program at the University of Idaho.
Prior to entering the consulting field in 1997, Mr. Dauphinais was a Senior Engineer with Northeast Utilities (NU). His work there included the preparation of numerous transmission studies involving load flow and stability analysis. He was also responsible for spearheading NU’s open access transmission tariff filing and was instrumental in the development and implementation of NU’s Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS). Mr. Dauphinais has testified on a variety of issues in over 100 regulatory proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the public service commissions of 20 states and provinces. Mr. Dauphinais also has extensive experience with the procurement of electricity, resource planning, transmission line routing and Regional Transmission Organization issues. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Project Work

Other Project Work
- Alberta
- Edison Electric Institute
- Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
- Joint Transmission Services Information Network (JTSIN)
- Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (MISO)
- New England Power Pool
- North American Electric Reliability Corporation
- Northeast Power Coordinating Council
- Awarded the NU Chairman’s Award in 1993 for his work in power system stability analysis
- Awarded the NU Energy Resource Group President’s Award in 1996 for his work in open access issues