Brian Andrews
Brian Andrews

Areas of Expertise
Competitive Procurement
Available Transmission Capability
Price Forecasts
Risk Analysis
Cost of Service/Rate Design
Avoided Cost Rates
Cost of Service Modeling
Production Cost Modeling
Rate Design and Tariff Analysis
Real-Time Pricing
Resource Planning
Standby Rates
Stranded Costs
Transmission Planning and
Depreciation Studies
Economic Modeling
Special Projects
Economic Dispatch
Power Flow Analysis
Transmission Line Routing
Wind Integration
Mr. Andrews is a Principal at BAI. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Washington University in St. Louis/University of Missouri – St. Louis Joint Engineering Program as well as a Master of Science Degree in Applied Economics from Georgia Southern University. He has attended multiple training seminars on topics including class cost of service, depreciation, power risk analysis, production cost modeling, cost-estimation for transmission projects, transmission line routing, MISO load serving entity fundamentals and more. Additionally, Brian is a certified Engineer Intern in the State of Missouri and a member and past President of the Society of Depreciation Professionals. Mr. Andrews has also been awarded the designation of Certified Depreciation Professional (CDP) by the Society of Depreciation Professionals.
Since joining BAI in January 2012, Mr. Andrews has been involved with several regulated and competitive electric service issues. These have included depreciation, rate design, cost of service, electric price forecasting, avoided costs, power procurement, and resource planning including Renewable Portfolio Standards compliance. This has involved use of power flow modeling, production cost modeling, resource expansion planning models, cost of service modeling, and various other analysis and modeling to address these issues.
Project Work

Other Project Work
- Alberta