Ali Al-Jabir
Ali Al-Jabir

Areas of Expertise
Competitive Procurement
Electric Retail Competition and
Customer Choice
Market Power Analysis
Request for Proposals
Cost of Service/Rate Design
Class Cost Allocation
Load Retention and Economic
Development Rates
Rate Design and Tariff Analysis
Resource Planning
Standby Rates
Stranded Costs
Transmission Pricing and Access
Fuel Cost Recovery
Merger Evaluations
Special Projects
Energy Efficiency
Legislation and Public Policy
Market Structure
Wholesale Electricity Market
Design (PJM, MISO and
Resource Adequacy
Transmission Cost Allocation
Mr. Al-Jabir is an Associate at BAI. He received the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Economics with highest honors from the University of Texas at Austin in 1987 and a Master of Arts Degree in Economics from the same university in 1989. He has also completed course work at Harvard University. During his academic career, he was elected a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society.
From 1988 to 1990, Mr. Al-Jabir taught economics at the University of Texas at Austin. From 1991 to 1996, he was employed by the Public Utility Commission of Texas as a Professional Economist. Starting with the Commission as an Electric Rate Analyst, he progressed to hold the positions of Electric and Telecommunications Policy Analyst, Acting Director of the Commission’s Economic and Regulatory Policy Division and Policy Advisor to the Chairman of the Commission. He has also served as a Technical Advisor to the 74th Texas Legislature, assisting in the development of the state’s policy toward competition in the electric utility industry. Mr. Al-Jabir has been an invited speaker at several electric utility industry conferences. He joined the utility consulting practice in January 1997 and is located in BAI’s Corpus Christi, Texas office.
Project Work

Other Project Work
- Alberta
- Nova Scotia